Add-ons / Operations
Captain ordering app
Empower your captains to take customer orders and settle bills in a faster and smarter way.
Take a free demoKey features for efficient table order management
Easy-to-use technology to help speed up your captains’ order-taking process
Multiple devices work in sync with each other and the POS
AI-based Recommendation Engine to help servers upsell
Supports offline architecture, works without internet
Easy plus fast UPI and wallet payments
Single tap contactless card payments under INR 5000
Configured to work on any android phone
On how many devices does Petpooja's captain app support?
You can run the captain app on multiple android-based tabs and mobile phones!
Can I use the Captain app in offline mode?
You can run the Captain app even in offline mode! The app perfectly syncs with the POS itself, and all your in-house orders are recorded in the POS system
Can I settle orders from the Captain app?
Your captain can take multiple orders and settle bill using cash and a QR code using the captain app!
Can I assign tables to my captains using the app?
For large-size restaurants with multiple captains, you can use your POS system to assign captains to specific tables and areas.
How does Ai-based technology help the Captain app?
Petpooja's Captain app is supported by Ai-tech, which helps captains add items for billing by AI voice recognition.
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